Midek Concept

GRE Revised General Test (Graduate Record Exam) gives one the opportunity for graduate programs in the US, Canada, and many more countries. A good score in the GRE attracts scholarships of all kinds to the test takers.

The GRE® revised General Test contains five sections:

  • an Analytical Writing section with one task, which always comes first in the test
  • two Verbal Reasoning sections
  • two Quantitative Reasoning sections
  • one unscored section, typically a Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning section, that may appear at any point in the test

Questions in the unscored section are being tried out either for possible use in future tests or to ensure that scores on new editions of the test are comparable to scores on earlier editions.

An identified research section may be included in place of the unscored section. The research section will always appear at the end of the test. Questions in this section are included for the purpose of ETS research and will not count toward your score.

The Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and unidentified/unscored sections may appear in any order; therefore, you should treat each section as if it counts toward your score. The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures are section-level adaptive. The computer selects the second section of a measure based on your performance on the first.

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures allow you to preview other questions within the specific section on which you’re working, review questions you’ve already answered and change your answers.

Typical Computer-based GRE revised General Test

Total testing time is approximately 1 hour and 58 minutes, including the unscored section.

Measure/SectionNumber of QuestionsTime
Analytical Writing1 “Analyze an Issue” task and

30 minutes 
Verbal Reasoning
(2 sections)

27 questions 

section 1: 12 questions

section 2:

15 questions


41 minutes  section 1: 18mins

section 2: 23 mins

Quantitative Reasoning
(2 sections)

27 questions 

section 1: 12 questions

section 2: 15 questions

47 minutes

section 1:

21 mins

section 2:

26 mins


* An unidentified and unscored section may be included and may appear in any order.

** An identified research section that is not scored may be included and will always be at the end of the test.

Analytical Writing measures ability to support complex ideas clearly and effectively

Verbal Reasoning measures ability to evaluate and analyse relationships among component parts of sentences.

Quantitative Reasoning measures problem-solving ability using basic concepts.


For the Analytical Writing measure, each essay receives a score from two readers using a six-point holistic scale. In holistic scoring, readers are trained to assign scores based on the overall quality of an essay in response to the assigned task. If the two scores differ by more than one point on the scale, the discrepancy is adjudicated by a third GRE reader. Otherwise, the two scores on each essay are averaged. The final scores on the two essays are then averaged and rounded up to the nearest half-point interval. A single score is reported for the Analytical Writing measure.

Scores on the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning depend on your performance on the questions given and on the number of questions answered in the time allotted.

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures are adaptive section by section. This means the computer selects the second section of a measure based on your performance on the first. Within each section, all questions contribute equally to the final score. For each of the two measures, a raw score is computed. The raw score is the number of questions you answered correctly.

The raw score is converted to a scaled score through a process known as equating. The equating process accounts for minor variations in difficulty among the different test editions as well as differences in difficulty among individuals’ tests introduced by the section-level adaptation. Thus a given scaled score reflects approximately the same level of performance regardless of which section was selected and when the test was taken.

The scores for the GRE revised General Test include:

  • A Verbal Reasoning score reported on a new 130 – 170 score scale, in one-point increments
  • A Quantitative Reasoning score reported on a new 130 – 170 score scale, in one-point increments
  • An Analytical Writing score reported on a 0 – 6 score scale, in half-point increments

Typically, scores on the computer-based GRE revised General Test are reported 10 to 15 days after the test date.





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The MD/CEO of Midek Concept is Destiny Usunobun Guobadia.

Midek Concept was started in 2004.